Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Lucie Rose Surratt!

Our precious second born arrived Dec. 17, 2008 at 11:50PM! She weighed 6Lbs. 9Oz. and measures 19 1/2 inches long! Lucie is adorable, and I just want to spend every moment kissing my two girls on their rosy cheeks!

We came home from the hospital on Saturday morning and celebrated the special homecoming with famly and friends! Eloise LOVES her new little sister and wants to help Mommy with everything!

I have been given the most blessed gift for Christmas.

Sleeping Beauty!

Coming home from the hospital

The Surratt Girls!


rackersfamily said...

I've been waiting for pics!! Congrats!
We would love to bring you some dinner... maybe next week after Christmas hoopla is over!

Lisa Parsons said...

Congratulations! What a wonderful Christmas present! She is gorgeous!

Katy said...

Oh, Kelly, she's BEEEEEEEEAUTIFUL!!!!! I wish I could be there to hold her! I'm sure this will be your most wonderful Christmas ever!

Melissa said...

Congrats Kelly! Little Lucie and my Melinda share a birthday! Melinda turned 15 at about the same time you brought little Lucie into the world. I'm so glad you have this blog so I can keep up with you and your beautiful family!
Mel :)

Vandi said...

Congrats Surratt family!!!! Christmas came early!!! She's so cute!!

K.C. said...

How Precious!What a great joy to have your two girls for Christmas! Can't wait to see more pictures Lucie

Wendy said...

Congratulations Kelly! She looks so precious. I can't wait to see her in person and hold her!