Friday, February 12, 2010

This is SNOW exciting!

In DFW we have received 12.5 inches of snow in 24 hrs! We have reached a new record for snowfall in one day. The snow began on Thursday morning at about 6 am and didn't stop ALL day. We woke up Thursday morning and Eloise immediately wanted to go outside. She's been learning about snow and snowmen at school and couldn't wait to get in on the action! We bundled up in several layers of clothes and headed outside.... Here are some of the photos I got.

The front of our house and the snow fall.

Looking down the street... it was so beautiful!
Daddy wasn't feeling well... in fact we spent the previous night in the ER. He had a terrible headache that wouldn't go away. After calling the doctor, they pointed us to the ER. There we found out he had a massive sinus infection. So sad! They gave him a bunch of meds and he was KNOCKED out, so he missed out on some of the fun.

He's going to kill me for putting this photo on my blog! :)

Eloise, my little snow angel, having a blast.

As much as Eloise loved it--

Lucie was not a big fan....

Daddy couldn't stay inside any longer... He had to come show Eloise how to make a snow angel.
This was Eloise and my first snowman. It was the first time in both of our lives that there was enough snow accumulated on the ground to make a full 3 ball snowman!


We couldn't find a hat, so ours has a bow, and is now a "snowgirl!"
Lucie liked it better if someone was there to make sure she didn't fall down!

I know I'm bias... but could she be ANY cuter?


It snowed overnight on Thursday. McKinney was a winter wonderland Friday, as well! As soon as the girls saw the snow out the window, they wanted to go out again.

Daddy felt much better so he was able to join us! Here we are headed to make ANOTHER "snowgirl"... Eloise couldn't wait. And we had a solution for Lucie's problem with touching the snow.

We learned some valuable lessons about "how to build a snowman" from Daddy- He thinks he's a pro because he spent 2 winters in Wisconsin! So this "snowgirl" was MUCH bigger, and sturdier. Here Patrick is helping Eloise "mold the head."

Our finished product. This one is in the front yard for all of the neighborhood to enjoy!

Lucie enjoyed the snow much better from her exersaucer. No tears!

Eloise liked the snow so much that she

let her dad bury her in it!

I hope we don't have to wait forever before

we have snow like this again! It was a day filled with

fun memories with my family.

We enjoyed every minute of it!!!

1 comment:

Patrick said...

I had a great Time when i was awake to enjoy it. I will get you back fo posting that picture of me sleeping. Just wait!