Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Package For Papa

One year ago today my father passed away. Knowing this date was drawing near, I wanted to find a way to recognise him as a great father and grandpa. The girls often talk about him. I encourage it because I want to keep his memory alive. Talking about him will help them remember how lucky they were to know him, even if their time together was brief.

To acknowledge this day I decided we would write Papa letters, draw pictures and send photos up to Heaven with a balloon release. The girls dictated what they wanted to write in their notes and I wrote it. They each signed their letters and drew pictures for him. I had photos from the past year printed and included a personal note to my dad. Each item was sealed in a white envelope and attached to 24 white balloons.

The contents of Papa's package

Eloise putting her items in the envelope.

Lucie stuffing her items in.

We then went to a local park to release our package.

My Girls and I before the release.

The package on it's way to it's destination.

I am convinced it got there, and Papa is smiling while he reads his notes and admires his pictures.


Unknown said...

kel, this is so touching. what a wonderful way to honor your dad and keep his memory alive and real with your kids.

Unknown said...

i perpetually suck at identifying who is commenting. mel

Nissa-Lynn said...

So beautiful. YOU're an amazing mother.