Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Do you know why we celebrate St. Patrick's Day? I didn't until I looked into it this morning. It isn't about wearing green, pinching people, or drinking Irish beer...
As history tells it, St. Patrick was held captive in England for his Christian beliefs. After 6 years of captivity, he escaped by walking over 200 miles to Ireland. This is where he became a minister and priest to the Irish people. Many believe that St. Patrick is single handedly responsible to bringing Christianity to Ireland's then pagan people. After his death on March 17th, the Catholic Church made him a Saint. That is the reason for St. Patrick's Day! Now THAT is worth some celebrating!
Here are my cuties wearing their St. Patty's Day green!

1 comment:

rackersfamily said...

did not know that... that is worth celebrating... with some green beer! ;)